Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Schladming and the Final Countdown

The team's discipleship retreat in Schladming was surreal and very raw at the same time. While we were surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever encountered, us interns went through discipleship lessons that challenged us to share our burdens, struggles, and failings with one another concerning our respective walks with the Lord. It was during these raw times of being honest with ourselves and one another that healing and growth occurred, and I am thankful for my fellow interns and the WHM staff who made this retreat such a powerful time!! I only wish that such a retreat were longer. Below are some photos of Schladming and the surrounding area:

Some of the most beautiful scenery I have encountered

On a suspension bridge

Sheep grazing on the mountain side

View after a ski lift

The lodge at the top was serving buttermilk with blueberries

Delicious apple strudel swimming in vanilla cream sauce

This next phrase will be difficult to type, especially since I am living in denial of this:

there is only one week left of the Vienna internship.

As I begin to realize that only a week is remaining, I can't help but think of all the support from back home that I have received from family and friends before, during, and I'm sure after, this summer journey. Although the internship is almost completed, my summer in Europe is not. After our last day on August 9 (next Tuesday) I will be traveling to Germany to spend a week with a German friend of mine and her family. I visited them two years ago and I am excited to see them in person again! Please pray for this time - it is a short time we have together, so please pray that the Lord enriches every moment and that it will be a fruitful time of conversation and fun :) After spending time in Germany, I will be meeting up with Dad in Edinburgh, Scotland where we will start our two week adventure which will also take us to London and then to Vienna. We will both leave Vienna on August 31 to return back to the States. Please pray for safety in our travels and that we will have a relaxing and enriching time together making memories :)

Bis Später


  1. the pictures you've uploaded are breathtaking :] I can't even imagine what it must have felt like!!
    You're doing great, Brie, continue to breathe, savor, appreciate, and be ;] have FUN as you soak in your last days as an intern

  2. Wow! That place looks amazing. I was thinking of you the other day as I picked up my copy of "Mere Christianity." I know you must be sad that the trip is over, but I can't wait for you to come back! :) Looking forward to hear all the exciting stories.
