Friday, June 17, 2011

Is This My Life?

Hallo von Wien (Hello from Vienna)!

Today was my third full day in Vienna and I am still adjusting a bit to the time change. Delicious coffee, gelato, breads, cheeses, and meats are certainly helping. Many sites, sounds, and smells are familiar to me here and remind me of my travels through Europe two summers ago. As wonderful as my last trip to Europe was, however, I must remind myself that this is not the same trip and I am not the same person I was two summers ago! Like I mentioned a few posts back, coming back to Europe has shown me the ways in which I have grown and matured in the Lord.

The city is absolutely gorgeous. Cathedrals dot the streets and pedestrian walkways. Sculptures of Greek deities, Biblical characters, Austrian rulers, poets, and musical geniuses tower over walkways. We got a small dose of this yesterday when Brad (the Pastor of New City Wien, the church I am interning with) gave us a scavenger hunt. Us five ladies got acclimated with the center portion of the city using various forms of public transportation (subway, tram, and bus) and navigating the streets. We saw touristy sites, walked past New City Wien for the first time, and grabbed some drinks at a cafe. I have remembered a few German phrases and have ordered in German several times!

European Summers = sitting outside (there is no AC indoors)!

Storefront of New City Wien!!

St. Stephans Cathedral

National Library

City Hall

Although the city is stunning, our team has also experienced some harsher realities of Vienna. For example, many of the cathedrals in Vienna are in need of repair (damages from WWII, age, etc.) and are constantly undergoing fundraisers and asking for voluntary offerings when entering. This is most obvious with Votivkirche (Votive Church), which has a large billboard blocking at least 2/3 of the front of the building. I asked Brad about it, disgusted with how it covered up its beauty. He shared with me that at one point there was an advertisement of a half naked model wearing a bikini, hands clasped above her head, torso stretched out, elongating passion and enhancing raw sexuality. This was advertising a bikini sale the church was putting on to raise money to restore/clean it. A votive offering indeed. Brad's story was yet another example to me of how external glimpses of "Christianity" are misleading and do not represent the hearts and values of Viennese (residents of Vienna).

Today was the second full day of orientation for the interns. We discussed what "evangelism" looks like in an Austrian context (relational ministry, building trust through networks of people), hearing briefly about Austria's church history, current day religious and ethnic demographics, and lastly, took a prayer walk around the district the church is in. Here are some highlights of this time:

  • Heard Brad's heart for Vienna and the vision for New City Wien
  • Steady numbers leaving the Catholic Church (the vast majority of Christians are Catholic) - 1970s: 20,000/year; 1980s: 30,000/year; 1990s: 40,000/year; 2000s: 50,000/year; 2010: 85,000 people left in ONE year
  • Prayer walk through Karlsplatz (a subway stop) where city officials have contained those who use drugs below ground and Naschmarkt (an open air market where internationals have restaurants and sell food). People can look put together, but their eyes give them away.

I hope that this was not too long! Please feel free to leave comments - it is great to hear from you all back home as well!!


Prayer Requests:
  • For us to be aware of God's agenda, not our own, while we are here.
  • For divine appointments and for us to be open to God's orchestration (are we more concerned with saving time or letting God use us to save people?)
  • For God to prepare our hearts for Sunday, which will be our first Sunday service here
  • For me - there is a possibility I will be playing in a benefit concert in an opera hall. I don't know what to do with this.
  • For me to hear God's voice about two things he has laid on my heart so far: (1) I brought "Mere Christianity" because I believe God wants me to give it to someone here and (2) I believe that my Hebrew ring will be used to explain the gospel to someone here.


  1. Hi Brie! I enjoy reading your posts and I am always excited to see new ones. I pray that God will speak to you during your first Sunday service there (as an intern)! I am excited for you. Also, I like your Hebrew ring (I am His and He is mine?) and I pray that God will use it to speak to someone. :)

  2. Hi Brie - It's so great to hear your update. And to hear how warped the image of Christianity is, right now, in Vienna. God bless you, darlin!! - Caroline

  3. Dude! Excited about the possibility of you playing in a benefit concert with your mad drum skills as well as what God has been speaking to you about Mere Christianity and your Hebrew ring! Thanks for keeping us posted.
