Friday, June 10, 2011

Being Informed

In preparation for our "take-off" day on June 14 (how did that sneak up on me?!), I have been rereading the Vienna manual given to us by WHM. This is a great document, making us aware of cultural etiquette, things to avoid in conversation, and quirky things Americans and Austrians do when looking at it from the other's perspective.

One of the stereotypes of Americans that I have encountered when traveling overseas is that Americans do not know very much about any other countries besides their own (and sometimes not even their own). This, along with other stereotypes, is something I try not to project directly or indirectly. For example, I will try to be more informed about Europe's history, unlike the following (super cute) American:

Another key if you're trying to "blend in" is to wear black socks (Europeans do not wear white socks at all). If you can't part with your white socks, try to make sure that they at least don't look like the following:

Just a few funny thoughts! :)


Prayer Requests:
  • I am currently in Philadelphia with the other Vienna interns for a few days of preparation with the WHM staff before flying to Vienna this Tuesday! Please pray that this would be a refreshing, relaxing time and that we will hear the Lord's voice, sense his comfort, and feel his love over us individually and corporately.
  • Our team is about to undergo many changes including lifestyle, the languages we hear, sleep schedules, unfamiliar/less structured daily schedules, etc. (also known as "culture shock"). Please pray for this transition to go smoothly and also for the team to encourage/support one another as we begin to live life together.