Saturday, February 25, 2012

Revelations During Crossfit?!

I've recently joined this thing called CrossFit and it's pretty amazing so far. Well, it feels amazing after the workouts - during them you feel like you're going to die :) I like it because if I went to a gym on my own I would be staring at a bunch of equipment that I wouldn't know how to use and I wouldn't know how to push myself/know when I've gone too far. I also like that the workouts are different every time and I'm not just running around in circles. A definite plus. I could keep going, but trust me, this isn't a commercial for Xfit - I promise. What amazed me the other night was that during the crazy workout I got a download from God. What? Apparently I can think about other things than just reminding myself to breathe during these times.

Here's something I jotted down that night about it:

Did squat clean thrusters today. Wanted to work on my form, so I started with just the bar. I did ok, but felt awkward: I was arriving at the different positions correctly, but the movement to each position was off. I decided to add weight, a little nervous that my form would only lessen and get sloppier. However, to my surprise, my form got better - way better - with more weight. So, technically I did something more challenging better than something less challenging. I was reminded of the spiritual life and how God strengthens us. We are not meant to be stagnant, but progress, and we are in better form when things are more challenging, not when they're less challenging.

"...we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." Romans 5:3-4


  1. I have so much to catch up on! AHHH!!!! :)) I will read all the posts I've missed! So sorry that I haven't been better at keeping up with your blog! I'm not so good at it when I'm not keeping up with my OWN either....although now I'm back at it. ;) Helps not to have FB activated for a while...makes me focus on other things!

  2. I love when God reminds us of such important things when we are just going about the daily rhythms of life!

  3. Thanks for leaving comments guys - makes me know I'm not talking to myself and that others are benefiting from God's goodness to me :)

    1. You have some pretty sweet insights! Love to hear how God is working in your life.

  4. God loves a good clean ;] keep it up
